Post-Phlebectomy Procedure Instructions

  • Following the procedure your leg will be tender. You may be as active as your body tolerates. When you feel as though you should rest, please do so and elevate your legs; your physician does not want you to remain inactive after your procedure; a balance between activity and rest is preferable.
  • If an ACE wrap is applied over your hose, please remove before bedtime the day of surgery. Wear the compression hose or ACE wrap continuously for 48 hours. After 24 hours, you may remove all gauze and tape and reapply hose.
  • At the end of the 48 hours, remove the compression hose or ACE wrap. You may take a shower. Reapply the compression hose or ACE wrap and wear them anytime you are up and around; you do not have to sleep in the hose. Please wear your compression garment for a minimum of 2 weeks following surgery.
  • Normal discomfort will show improvement, even if it is small, every day. We would want a phone call from you if you feel as though your pain is getting worse instead of better. The areas where we removed segments of vein (phlebectomy) will feel like firm knots under your skin. This is normal and will resolve with time.
  • We recommend over-the-counter ibuprofen following a phlebectomy. Please follow the bottle directions. do not take on an empty stomach.
  • Return for your scheduled appointments. The 3-day and one month follow-up appointments are necessary to evaluate the treated vein and confirm that no clots have formed. We will take follow up pictures at your one month appointment.
  • Refrain from driving until the day after your procedure.

Learn more about Vein Treatment at The Oregon Clinic