Ortho | AC Joint Repair

Overview of AC Joint Repair

AC joint repair surgery is an advanced orthopedic treatment designed to address torn or damaged ligaments in the acromioclavicular (AC) joint, where the shoulder blade meets the clavicle, or collarbone. This surgery aims to restore stability, reduce pain, and improve shoulder mobility.

Dr. Aaron Schwartz performs AC joint repair using arthroscopic keyhole surgery, a minimally invasive approach that ensures a stable and permanent repair. This technique offers several benefits, including:

  • Reduced recovery time
  • Minimal scarring
  • Enhanced shoulder function and mobility

Patients who may benefit from this procedure typically experience:

  • Torn or damaged ligaments in the AC joint
  • Persistent shoulder pain
  • Limited shoulder mobility
  • Difficulty performing daily activities

During arthroscopic AC joint repair surgery, small incisions are made to insert a tiny camera (arthroscope) and specialized instruments. This allows Dr. Schwartz to precisely repair the damaged ligaments, ensuring a secure and durable fix.

To help patients understand and prepare for AC joint repair surgery, Dr. Schwartz recommends this video, provided by Arthrex, a leading medical device company. This resource offers valuable insights into the procedure and the recovery process.

An OrthoIllustrated® animation for AC joint reconstruction.

Dr. Aaron Schwartz is based in Portland, Oregon at The Oregon Clinic Orthopedics.

Learn more about Orthopedics at The Oregon Clinic